Friday, January 20, 2012

First, make rice

First, make rice

Fledgling sushi chefs spend months (sometimes years) doing 
nothing but making the rice for the head chef.

If the rice isn't right, it really doesn't matter what else you do, 
you're not going to be able to serve great sushi.

Most of the recruiting and selling that goes on in Shaklee (or when asking your kids to clean their rooms)
assumes that you already know how to make the rice. 

It assumes you understand the art of asking questions and listening, 
that you have experience in building rapport, that you have an innate 
empathy for what your customers want and think, 
that you know how to make a compelling case for your 
product and your opportunity, that you know who to invite 
and how to invite them, that you know the difference
between presentation and conversation, and the when they say
yes, you know how to get them started, 

Too often, we quickly jump ahead to the new thing, 
failing to get good enough at the important thing.

Seth Godin's post today  Shakleeized by me.  Dan

and borrowed and shared with you by me.  Mindy

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