Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stressed is just 'DESSERTS" spelled backwards

                 The body reacts to stress instantly.  It’s built in – the old fight or flight instinct left over from cave man days.  The ears and eyes become super focused, heart rate rises, blood is rushed from the internal organs to the limbs to prepare for battle or escape, extra glycogen (sugar) is pumped from the liver into the bloodstream to provide extra energy. 

                The battle is on…..or is it?  In today’s world, we seldom get to “work off” all that extra glycogen physically.  Instead, we silently seethe, hold down our emotions, and feel the burrito we had for lunch turn to a rock in our stomachs.

                There are several things we can do to balance our stresses throughout the day.   One is to take control – get a jump on potential problems.  Do your feared thing FIRST – get it out of the way and pat yourself on the back for getting a bad job well done.

                While it is not always easy, get enough rest.  Drink lots of water through the day. BREATHE – just 3 deep inhalations and exhalations—can do wonders.   Breathe in slowly; feel the movement of air, nothing else matters for this moment. 
                Eat well.   Don’t add bad food choices to your list of stress producers.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are easier to digest (remember that saber tooth tiger that was after you earlier?  The body doesn’t care what you just ate; it’s stopped supporting your digestive system.)  This also goes for too much comfort food, alcohol, and candy.         

               So what are our choices? 

                Drugs – they all come with side effects

                Life style changes – better diet, better attitude, better body mechanics (exercise), better sleep

                Get some help – fill the gaps with healthy supplements.  


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