Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Project MAHMA

  Stacy tells me she likes my web address:  "Life is Good."

"Why?," I asked.  "Because your life IS good because of all the nice things you've done with Shaklee."

Well, another nice thing is going to happen this Saturday, April 16.  Jude Peskuski, the founder of Project MAHMA, has invited me to tell our Shaklee story live on her Saturday morning call. 

Please call in and listen FOR someone else you know who might be praying right now for an opportunity to bring their family together again, to work from home, and to make a difference in people's lives.  Our country is hurting right now.  Shaklee is an old friend who continues to grow even in hard times.

Here's a little bit of Jude's story.  You'll hear mine on Saturday!!  What fun.....

Start Date: September 12, 1977

Jude and Jack Peskuski had a dream - health and financial independence for themselves and their family. Today they are living their dream, made even better because they are improving the lives of others by teaching them the same ideas that brought them success. "So many people," Jude explains, "married with children, young singles just starting out and retirees on a pension want the freedom and independence of working from home and being their own boss. We wanted to find a way to help them reach their goals." And that's what they've accomplished.
Their success began when both Jude and Jack experienced great results from using the Shaklee products. Jude was immediately excited and began to share Shaklee products with her family and friends. Soon, the products were selling themselves. "Shaklee isn't so much about selling," says Jude, "as it is about sharing a lifestyle. Throughout Shaklee's 50-year history, it's always been about families united, unleashing their dreams through building an independent, home-based business with Shaklee."
Jude, a self-proclaimed skeptic, welcomes customers who question and probe until they discover the truth behind the products and the company. " Shaklee is easy to share," claims Jude. "It's a company with integrity, offering products that are science-based and an income opportunity that is second to none!" She embarked on her Shaklee business slowly, working just 2 hours a day, 5 days a week – the major benefit being that she was able to be at home with her children. But within six months, Jude saw her part-time earnings grow to over $1,000 a month!
Listening to working mothers who yearned to be home spawned an exciting new Shaklee enterprise — Project MAHMA™ ... Moms At Home Making A Difference(and a lot of money). Both Jack and Jude believe it's the perfect vehicle at the perfect time! Jude describes Project MAHMA as an international coalition of families who are able to work at home helping others who want to do the same. Jude's enthusiasm for this program is contagious.

Sat., April 16, 2011
8:00 a.m. Pacific
9:00 a.m. Mountain
10:00 a.m. Central
11:00 a.m. Eastern

DIAL: 212-990-8000
PIN: 6262#

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